Going to the moon is hard on human bodies, as the astronauts on moon missions discovered after dealing with heart-related …
Spider webs are known to be among the strongest natural materials known to man. For example, the webs of a …
Warning: Some people may find the information in this article disturbing and the images graphic. Every year, some infants are circumcised. …
A new research suggested that molecules brought to Earth in meteor showers could potentially be converted into the building blocks …
Researchers suggested that the popular bottle-breaking trick may help in traumatic brain injury research, as reported by the Science Daily. Researchers …
Fears can now be blocked in a split second, provided that a specific region of your brain will be stimulated …
Bacterial cells such as E.coli were found to mutate or shapeshift in space to resist common antibiotics that successfully kill …
Dams and huge turbines are built to convert the water energy that waterfalls and rivers have into electricity. In order …
Humans may develop expert echolocation skills just like bats and marine mammals by producing clicking sounds with the mouth and …
We put someone in a position of power based on how trustworthy and capable we think they are. We do …
Goldfish fill their bodies with alcohol to survive for days (even months) in oxygen-free frozen water. Evolutionary physiologists say that …
The Mars 2020 mission will use advanced technology to seek signs of microbial life, but has it already been discovered …
It is often said that people of past generations didn’t succumb to many of the illnesses people die of in …
In something along the lines of an early warning, researchers at the Seattle-based University of Washington claim that they can …