All posts tagged with Culture & Society
04/28/2017 / By Frances Bloomfield

If you’ve got an itch you can’t scratch, then maybe a trip to the U.K. is in order. A “sex

04/27/2017 / By Vicki Batts

When most people hear the name “Bill Gates,” they think of Microsoft and the Gates Foundation. However, the not-so-hidden agenda

04/27/2017 / By Frances Bloomfield

What is Earth Day, really? In the decades since its founding, several incidents have marred what was supposed to be a

04/26/2017 / By Rhonda Johansson

Former law enforcement officer and founder of the CanAm Missing project, David Paulides believes that around 1,600 people who have

04/26/2017 / By News Editors

Over the weekend, questions arose as to whether the organizers of the “Science March,” an anti-Trump movement dominated by leftists,

04/20/2017 / By Frances Bloomfield

Instead of moving forward, researchers are looking to the past for solutions to the antibiotic crisis. The “Ancientbiotics” team is

04/18/2017 / By Vicki Batts

Would you undergo an organ transplant if you needed one — even if that organ came from pigs? Smithfield Foods,

04/18/2017 / By JD Heyes

The consensus view among psychiatrists and sociologists who have studied the issue of racism is that it’s a learned behavior;

04/17/2017 / By Amy Goodrich

No matter what Jake Vella does, the 7-year-old boy from Malta continues to get larger as a result of a

01/27/2017 / By JD Heyes

President Donald J. Trump stirred up the angry Left and its sycophants in the “mainstream media” earlier this week when

10/28/2016 / By Don Wrightman

A manufactured aluminium object has recently gained lots of attention after being kept secret for decades. What makes it special

10/07/2016 / By Mary Wilder

Every time you think the Regressive Left has reached a peak of both incompetence and complete ridiculousness, they prove you